We inspire kids to play in the garden
- Because when kids connect with nature, they live healthier and happier lives
More Green, Less Screen

Get Growing
Turning a black thumb green is easy. We help you master the basics quickly.

Get Creative

Get Happy
Exercise, fresh air and good food are the antidote to anxiety and depression. They balance the effects of too much screen time.
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Gardening Made Easy and Fun!
People forget that humans are animals, We’ve separated ourselves from nature in our everyday lives and that hurts our mental and physical health. For kids, it robs them of precious opportunities to explore, be creative, feel bold and have wonder.
Get outside and live your healthiest and happiest life. We make it easy and fun for you and your kids to connect with nature wherever you live, so the fullness of life is always within reach.

Why They Love Us

– S. Kay, Awesome Fan

– Rae Ann, Awesome Mom

– H. Rice, Atlanta Botanical Gardens.

– Alma (age 6)

– Rowan (age 5)
Just Sprouted!
I interviewed a ladybug to find out exactly what ladybugs want us humans to know. Read the full interview in this week’s NEW blog post. We talk about their spots (is that really how you tell their age?), the surprising things they eat, and how they really feel about being “released” into your garden. Plus, find out which plants they want you to have in your garden.
Learn Gardening with Your Kiddo(s)

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Garden with your Kiddos
Stop the Pouting and Start Sprouting with Friends in the Garden
We believe you can be an excellent guide and inspire your young ones to get outside by learning and doing a little bit at a time. We understand you need a way to fit this into your busy life. That’s why we offer quick and fun ways to help you learn with your kids. You’ll master the basics of gardening and discover easy ways to have a greener and healthier household. And we have something for every kind of learner.
Here’s how it works:
Buy Friends in the Garden CD and download the free lyrics so you can stop the overwhelm and start enjoying some quality time with your kiddos learning about healthy food, nature and gardening. Twelve songs means you can learn and apply new garden expertise each week or each month. Our short how-to videos relate back to the songs with fun projects or kid-friendly, healthy recipes.

How to Use
Friends in the Garden Music

They are fact-based and intended to supplement curriculum. I used them in the classroom like this: I would give the students a prompt such as “I want to know everything you can tell me about the body of a worm”, then I’d play the Worm Squirm song and they would listen and write down the answers as they came up in the song. They could tell me to pause if they needed to finish writing but no one could speak. I would give points for finding all of the responses that were in the song.
Then we could talk about what they heard and I’d ask “so what do worms do”? I’d play the song again if needed but usually they already knew from listening the first time. This is something I came up with when I taught students 9-11 years old. They LOVED this game! It was also a way to sharpen their listening skills. I’m interested to know what other ideas you have for how to teach with the songs.
Some parents tell me they play the songs while they garden with their kids. It sets a fun tone and makes work more like play.
Some parents play the songs in the car and everybody sings along. You learn a lot from just listening and singing along.
Products & Pricing
Friends in the Garden Music

Physical CD
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